Wertiop  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

On my Way Home

The absurd new age
of literal role-playing,
uniformed faceless mass,
piercing neon eyes
straight through your soul
As soon as they spot that
you don’t go with their flow,
and refuse to play
their brand new game.
She asked me: “Where’s your mask?”
and I could feel
her genuine fear of death.
“I am sorry madame,
but I’ve never been a fan
of running away
from inevitability
of one’s destiny.”
The back of her coat,
couple of broken wings,
She was gone in an instant,
Winning the awkward “Hide and Seek”
Dátum vloženia 30. 4. 2021 21:11
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 1339
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