Beaumont  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora


Cold hands open, freezing palms
you are slowly bleeding

from my arms

Harvest of this night, dark and pure
shackals of death creeping in

for us they wait and lure

Doorbell still quiet

Blank light dying inside the lamp
If we hear them coming
then lets just jump...

Dawn burst in tears
Through me she had died in every step she heard
sang up to the night together
one last more time...

While longing for the morning
to collect me
I drowned in her solid tears
Dátum vloženia 15. 9. 2009 14:15
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 2585
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. Slave of love

    perfektné odkiaľ ty berieš tie slová?

    17. 9. 2009 16:55
  2. Beaumont (napísal autor básne)

    hh dakujem noo tazko povedat, hodia sa mi tam, tak ich tam davam

    18. 9. 2009 10:26