NonEuclidean  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora


Running out of time
'til my childhood
bids me farewell
and goes on the (acid) trip
to hell.

Gods drink wine, but spit rain
And when you're up there
it's still the same
as down here
or below
or even deeper.

Decapitated heads fall from the clouds
disposed bodies in castles built on sand.
And with a gun in your hand.
You wanna hear the "goodbye".
So you can kill them so-called fucking yesterdays...
... suicide's never been better.

What you call suicide
I call determinisim.
And maybe.
Hypothetically speaking.
The road to heaven might be paved with bad intentions.

(takmer automaticke pisanie, venovane beatnikom)
Dátum vloženia 19. 6. 2009 22:27
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 2676
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. Beaumont

    je to velmi zaujimavy text, iste pasaze sa mi pacili viac, niektore menej, ale ako celok, trochu mi vadilo, ze ho zacinas ako basen v prvej, aj druhej strofe, no potom tretia strofa je uplne ina, uz o dost menej basnicka, a posledna, to su uz len uvahy ci myslienky...
    neviem si predstavit ako by toto niekto mohol recitovat alebo zhudobnit, a to neber ako kritizovanie, len proste neviem...

    btw, tie fucking yesterdays nemas nahodou od Parkway Drive - Romance is dead?

    27. 6. 2009 14:47