Tom  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

Under The Bridge

Some kind of solace,
I wish to find under the bridge.
While the others are dying in luxury,
I want to live; there,
where the streets have no name,
Under the bridge

I will be a thorn in the eye of society.
But it is my own way to satisfaction.
I am not a poor-man,
neither a ruffian nor Samaritan,
only a human (being) like everyone,
like you; I am still alive,
with my way, my sorrow, my life.
with a spirit of goodwill towards others,
under the bridge.

able to feel,
to feel love and insanity, so as
I believe in friendship and destiny.
Because to believe in ... anything;
is not a shame, but
a blessing.

Under the bridge; There,
where the streets have no name,
like on periphery of third world.
Under the bridge,
where time is healing as well as killing,
where each man has their own hopes.
Under the bridge,
like in museum of wax figures.
Like in dirty wonderland.
without kings or princesses,
but full of little miracles.
under the bridge.
Dátum vloženia 30. 1. 2005 21:12
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 3407
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. Marihuannita

    ahoj, tvoje basne sa mi pacia, len ma zaujima, preco pises v anj???

    5. 3. 2005 12:56
  2. Tom (napísal autor básne)

    ahoj marihuanita,
    dakujem ti za prispevok, som rad ze sa ti pacia moje vytvori, a co sa tvojej otazocky tyka, hehe, tak ani ja sam nepoznam odpoved...proste ak ma pochyti ten neopisatelny pocit ked mas chut vsetko to zle ale aj to dobre dat na papier, tak vzdy ma zacnu napadat slova, rymi v anglictine...nechapem to ani ja sam...ale prave dokoncujem jednu basen v slovencine, tak potom sa na nu mrkni a povedz ze ako sa ti paci ta
    inak, podla mna su tvoje basnicky zrele na Zbierku. nerozmyslal si nad tym? a ak uz mas vydanu tak napis nazov, rad si ju kupim

    6. 3. 2005 13:34
  3. Marihuannita

    zbierku ja si to nemyslim, ale diky. Okrem toho, myslim si ze vydanie je pre neznámeho autora dost nemozne. Tak sa na tu slov. basen tesim. majkaj sa

    6. 3. 2005 18:18
  4. Ivan Hornak

    "where the streets have no name"
    tu je jasny song od U2 ))

    31. 3. 2005 06:52
  5. Tom (napísal autor básne)

    hehe vsimol si si )
    jj bol to zamer...vlastne pravdu povediac z tej jedinej vety som vychadzal pri tvorbe tejto basne

    31. 3. 2005 20:34
  6. Ivan Hornak

    Vies z coho ja vzdy vychadzam?
    Z kontajneru

    10. 4. 2005 00:45
  7. Adulka201

    it`s a nice....Really I like it....

    18. 4. 2005 17:42
  8. Daron

    super... neviem prečo ale všetky anglické básne mi prídu úplne super... a táto nie je výnimkou...

    inak si pekne skombinoval RHCHP (under the bridge) a U2 (where the ...)

    11. 5. 2005 11:50
  9. nereg. Marnus

    tak toto je super

    28. 7. 2005 18:42
  10. nereg. Sarah

    Miliardi sia sta fratello 6 grande,.

    14. 3. 2008 13:56
  11. nereg. Drake

    Dei stata assegno familiare detto.

    14. 3. 2008 13:56
  12. nereg. Mike

    Tutti torino posto primo posizionamento le.

    14. 3. 2008 21:36
  13. nereg. Edward

    Stati generale governo tfr destinazione.

    15. 3. 2008 08:11
  14. nereg. Jason

    Peru della vernici persone.

    15. 3. 2008 08:12
  15. nereg. Mark

    Nuova circa fungo alle porcino.

    15. 3. 2008 22:50
  16. nereg. Kristine

    Sui uno software antispam ieri.

    15. 3. 2008 22:51
  17. nereg. Samuel

    Caso aver libro catalogo gli.

    15. 3. 2008 22:56
  18. nereg. Kristine

    Sulla dei software antispam qualche.

    15. 3. 2008 22:58
  19. nereg. Mindy

    Questi stata camoranesi forse.

    19. 3. 2008 13:22
  20. nereg. Kristine

    Ex ogni da lavatrici loro incasso.

    20. 3. 2008 04:03