Hetfield  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

Your choice

March now!
Or then die
On your knees
While you cry

Dare to Dream
Now stand tall
Fight back now
Make 'em fall

We will charge
Through a path
They will face
All our wrath

Now listen
To this voice
As we fight
For our choice

To be free
And live on
Not live life
Like a pawn

But first
We must fight
In the swamp
Through the night

For our future
And our past
And our Dreams
That will last

If we fight
No - Not if
We must fight!
See that cliff

This is it
The road ends
Your precious life
Now depends

On your Dream
If it's true
The next move
Is up to you
Dátum vloženia 23. 10. 2006 00:02
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