faithless  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora


You will be the end of me
That I am sure of
I can not set my mind free
From this wannabe love,
Bulletproof walls I built around
But You shook my ground
And left me speechless,
Made my heart mess
And my nights sleep less.
My heart is beating slower
Every day
I lost all the power
So please, say
Are you happy now?
I need to let go, but how?
You are the one that got away
The only one I wanted to stay
You are the best man I ever met
You shown me how happy I can get,
You made the pain go away,
You made the unholy pray
For one last chance
For this to start making sense
For me to understand
That this is how the story end.

Posledná aktualizácia: 27. 9. 2019 00:54
Dátum vloženia 27. 9. 2019 00:53
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