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Faceless or About a Childhood

We are, who we are
No faces, any smile
All we show for others sights
Is just mask shining in the lights

Found perfection in pride
With ignorance by our side
Getting rid of innocence
Drunk with own arrogance

What to do with this faceless mimes
What I have to do to get into old times
Times when people to each other understood
Times like those in my childhood

When all the responsibility were gone
When any tasks had to be done
When childs play was great adventure
When everyone was friend, even a stranger

But those times are far away behind me
And if I will be always looking into past
I won't be able to see what's in front of me
And I will hit my face... :-)
Dátum vloženia 12. 2. 2013 22:19
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