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Burned Down

I´m chained on the crucifix
so much people around
so much thoughts in the air
i´m losing myself away

they want me to burn
now i feel it´s getting hot
in my muonth i smell the blood
but it´s unbelieveble good

my body will pay for my sins
my true life just begins
i´m a demon and they will pay
under my roof in hell

i can hear only voices
ma eyes are covered up
and i can´t see
who is burning next to me

probably he´s mortal
and gonna die tonight
but i can redeem his soul
as a demon bride
Dátum vloženia 21. 3. 2010 10:40
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 2199
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Komentáre k básničke

    zopar chyb:
    chained to the cruficix;
    so many people, so many thoughts;
    in my mouth I smell(?);
    demon´s bride;

    posledne dve strofy sa mi pacia,po slovensky by asi tak dobre nezneli, ale takto je to fajn

    21. 3. 2010 14:22
  2. slash (napísal autor básne)

    dakujem za gramaticku upravu...

    21. 3. 2010 23:54