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Sun will never come

Trees are losing their leaves
And I feel theres nothing left
So I wish that I could be free
And hear you voice once again

My baby calm down your cry
I am still here just with iron tie
That crush me and take me down
youll be always stuck in my heart

Oh my love I miss you so
Four walls around me and nothing more
Darkness and smell are where I live
Yesterday there was a priest

Now I know that feel, about he told
Feel such a clear like mountine snow
In his pocket there was a sparkling gold
He told me look, cause sun will never come

Empty mind and empty soul
Only you remaind after all
My sweetest love wont be gone
Theres nothing more important, on the world

Cold room and walls from stone
He was there showed me the way
I sat on floor and suddenly I was alone
Priest with smile started his pray

Now I know that feel, about he told
Feel such a clear like mountine snow
In his pocket there was a sparkling gold
He told me look, cause sun will never come
Dátum vloženia 8. 11. 2007 19:45
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. nereg. liaju

    Hmm..gramaticky to trochu kriva, ale to asi kazdemu, kedze iba maloktori z nas basnikov je rodeny cudzinec...par veci by sa dalo interpretovat vselijako, napriklad to s tou temnotou a smradom v izbe, prepac, ale to odvadza pozornost od vaznosti tvojich slov a clovek sa musi pousmiat. Inak je to vcelku fajn, asi to naozaj vyjadruje kus teba a tvojej bolesti, alebo si to napisal iba z nudy...?

    13. 11. 2007 16:39