Flash666  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

Ballad of the train

Train rolls on, down the line
Now, I feel the cold wind blow
Here I am, on the road again
And I don't know where I'm going
This dirty train rides alone
No one cares about the train
Only mad engine-driver
All eyes upon the train, when rides on the rail
But train has own way
Doesn’t care about they
Train rolls on, many miles from my home
But somehow, I've got to carry on
I just want to be left alone
Train rolls on, fade in the fog far away
I like this train
Never back again.
Dátum vloženia 28. 10. 2007 02:28
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. nereg. liaju

    Viem ako sa asi citis, ja som tiez dlho sedela v podobnom vlaku...treba sa iba rozhodnut:chces zit ci po zvysok zivota umierat...? Nechaj minulost odist tym vlakom...the freedom is in your mind...

    13. 11. 2007 16:48