Zimna Burka  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

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.. Hear in the silence sweet dear..
the whispering inside from my heart.. from its deep
which ever call silently your name..
Can I feel your dazing inherency once again,
see in your warm heart the one thousand candles blaze..?

..but you are so cruel away..

I always so aching need tips
of your warm magic lips..
then my soul hover to me
to clouds from sweet scalding flames..

..I unlock for you the giant massive stone gates
the guards of path to the secret garden of my forgotten dreams
till to oldest beauteous immortal tree
(where I shall always to you wait,
when you are alone or hover to a place
who the sunflowers sweetly asleep..
..there interim the fallen leafs
into the crystal river of deepest dreams
you can find my safely warm embrace..

I can feel in your heart the candles blaze
I can see your smile deep inside of me

Your inherency is only what I need
..Let me love you to and after death my dear..
Dátum vloženia 3. 6. 2007 13:35
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