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He was generous
but he never give something to others
She was beauty
but her face was coverd by scars

He really loved her
but she never belived in this
He wants to died
because she was the reason why

She never spoken with him
She split his heart
and this is all what I heard

Why she was so insensitive
Nobody knows
Maybe,she didn´t want in love to live
Never know what is it
the strange feeling called love
Never know what
is it-the wounds full of love

After the time
he was dieding alone
and she was crying on the corner
this is all what I know
that she was a murder.
Dátum vloženia 28. 2. 2007 18:37
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
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  1. Siuska

    27. 7. 2007 18:45