maciatko112  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora

Slowly but beautifully....

First he was just my friend

when time go ahead

me & him were super friends

nothing was like before

everithing was pure

so naturally...

He kiss me when I was sad

and what was then I can't say

It wasn't bad

It was so sweetly.

I don't know why

but he was then cry

he said me that he isn't my

and then all my luck disappear.

Dátum vloženia 1. 5. 2005 08:27
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Komentáre k básničke
  1. nereg. Tom

    I like it. nice one.

    4. 5. 2005 23:41
  2. nereg. Sebastian


    8. 3. 2006 16:45