Flash  Zobraziť/skryť lištu autora


I stood there and I screaming
And no one was listening to me.
No one care for me.
No one care for my act.

I never believe them.
I never believe their confidence.
I never believe you.

I loose my dreams, my desires.
Loose my friends.
Loose self-control.
I loose myself.

I don’t know where I am.
But I am pulled,
somewhere in this f,ucking world.

I don’t know what I am.
But I was

I don’t know what it is.
But I know:
This is my unnamed feeling.

I was he
I am he
I will be forever

Dátum vloženia 16. 4. 2007 21:29
Básnička je vložená v kategórii Cudzojazyčné
Počet zobrazení básne 2356
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